Day 47, New Meadows, ID, OR (Halfway, OR) 105 miles (3598 total)
July 27, 2008
Time on bike: 9:43:17
Avg: 10.7
Daily Ascent: 4213 ft (40 ft/mi)
Elevation at days end: 2600 ft
Max: 41 mph
No, seriously. The town’s name where I’m staying tonight is “”. They changed the name of the town a few years ago from Halfway to They are the only .com city in the world. But nobody calls it that. And the local’s “hate” the name, or so my waitress tells me. “Tourists come in and say, ‘so, this is, eh?’ but that’s about it. I don’t know who decided to change the name to That was so long ago. Like 2001 or something.”
Another day on the bike. Another day, another state! The 10th state I’ve reached on my trip and most importantly the last state! Go on, say it. “The final frontier!” I’m cranking out the 100 mile days now because I want to get to the ocean so badly! Not that I want the trip to end, because it has been fantasticly superb, but I want to accomplish it. To put it in the books. I want to say, “I rode a bicycle clear across America one summer!” How cool does that sound?
Right as I crossed the state line I saw Chuck and Leah who were touring on bikes on their way to Maine. Chuck was Leah’s uncle and he was super curious about my recumbent, asking an assortment of questions. I told him that it rode great, was a little tough up hills, but otherwise I had no problems with it and would tour with it again if given the opportunity.
1 comment:
Yes, you are certified hardcore now, my friend.
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