Monday, August 4, 2008

Day 54, The Pacific Coast At Last!

Day 54, Corvallis, OR – Cape Lookout State Park, OR 113 miles (4173 total)

August 3, 2008

Time on bike: 9:47:56

Avg: 11.5

Daily Ascent: 5427 ft (48 ft/mi)

Elevation at days end: 5 ft

Max: 40 mph

The Pacific Coast at last! So, after 54 days of cycling nearly 90 miles a day, I finally did reach the Pacific coast! Wow! What words can be spoken after such an epic adventure? I was speechless to say the least and I very nearly cried. I wanted to jump off my bike and immerse myself in the crashing waves! I wanted to leap for joy! I wanted to do a little victory dance on the side of the road. Instead, I sat on the wall of the ‘scenic viewing area’ and just smiled as the reflection of the setting sun glanced off the white capped waves. Thoughts of my grandparents went through my mind as I ate one of my grandma’s favorite cookies, one of those raspberry filled ones. I thought of Uganda and the kids there that I’m raising this money for. I thought of the settlers crossing this country for months on end to reach the promise of a new life. I thought of my parents and family and of the support they’ve given me throughout this ordeal, and of the countless friends who have sent me words of encouragement. It’s been an amazing ordeal!

I camped at Cape Lookout State Park which is a long, skinny peninsula which juts out into the ocean. It’s lined with tall pine trees and is just a stone’s throw from the ocean. I had another flat tire, my 4th in 3 days, but nothing could deter me from reaching the ocean. I’ll cycle 1 more day to reach my final destination of Astoria, OR before boxing up my bike to ship it home and then flying home myself.


Carol said...

Congratulations, congratulations, congratulations.

Brian, you're an inspiration and I don't know what else to say. Your faith and love for your friends and family...gosh. Just awesome.

One adventure ends and another begins. I tell ya, I'll miss my daily dose reading about you! :)


Carol said...

From sea to shining sea.

arlogut said...

awesome dude! very cool.